PDFBUNDLE is made by OASYS INFORMÁTICA LTDA in Brazil (www.oasys.com.br), a company founded in year 2000 and specialized in complex algorithms related to Encryption and Data Privacy, producing software solutions by demand. After the pandemics, we decided to explore the "shareware" and SaaS market, through a "start-up" concept (inovation - speed - real value), using our experience and our third-partners to produce high-quality software. For this, we decided to open new departments (like PDFBUNDLE), using angel-investors capital and looking for Venture Capital in the mid-term.

Our mission is provide high-quality software, an agile support service, and a real value to our products through low-price.

If you wish, do not hesitate to contact us.


Sales Department:


OASYS INFORMÁTICA LTDA - CNPJ 03.703.821/0001-82

Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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